Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment 101
Erectile dysfunction is no joke. It can impact your confidence, emotional well-being, and relationships. Sometimes it can also indicate an underlying condition. That’s why it’s important to understand what erectile dysfunction is and what treatments are available.

Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Erectile dysfunction is more common than you might think, but because it's such a sensitive subject many people dealing with ED suffer privately. We'll demystify the topic to make it a bit easier to talk about — with a healthcare practitioner, a partner, or even yourself.

Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men
It’s not just older men who feel down about not being able to get it up.
Erectile Dysfunction
The Process of Diagnosing Erectile Dysfunction
If you’ve wondered whether you might have erectile dysfunction, you’re probably curious about how to get an ED diagnosis
Erectile Dysfunction
How Can a Prostatectomy Impact Erectile Dysfunction?
Are you worried that your prostatectomy is going to cause erectile dysfunction (ED)? This page will answer all your questions about ED after prostate surgery.
Erectile Dysfunction
ED Diagnosis: How to Tell if You Have Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
When someone first starts to experience the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, many people start to think there must be something wrong with them.The truth is that almost half of men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. So, if you’re starting to show signs of ED, you’re definitely not alone.
Erectile Dysfunction
Is Erectile Dysfunction an Early Sign of Prostate Cancer?
When someone first starts to experience the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, many people start to think there must be something wrong with them.The truth is that almost half of men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. So, if you’re starting to show signs of ED, you’re definitely not alone.
Erectile Dysfunction
Can Erectile Dysfunction Lead to Infertility?
Almost 50% of men will actually experience ED in some form throughout the course of their life. Think about that. Literally, almost half of all men. That’s not a small statistic.
Erectile Dysfunction
At What Age Does Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Start?
Almost 50% of men will actually experience ED in some form throughout the course of their life. Think about that. Literally, almost half of all men. That’s not a small statistic.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men
It’s not just older men who feel down about not being able to get it up.
Erectile Dysfunction
Psychological Erectile Dysfunction: Is It All in Your Head?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is not just a physical problem — it can also have a big impact on (and be affected by) your mental health. ED can happen to men at any age. Nearly 50% of Canadian men aged 40 to 88 have experienced ED. However, it doesn’t just affect those over 40. Multinational studies es
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment 101
Erectile dysfunction is no joke. It can impact your confidence, emotional well-being, and relationships. Sometimes it can also indicate an underlying condition. That’s why it’s important to understand what erectile dysfunction is and what treatments are available.
Erectile Dysfunction
How Common is Erectile Dysfunction? Top 9 ED Statistics
Do you have questions about erectile dysfunction? You're not alone. In fact, approximately 3 million Canadians are affected by ED even though we don't talk about it nearly enough.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Erectile dysfunction is more common than you might think, but because it's such a sensitive subject many people dealing with ED suffer privately. We'll demystify the topic to make it a bit easier to talk about — with a healthcare practitioner, a partner, or even yourself.
Erectile Dysfunction
How to Get Hard & Keep an Erection
Odds are, you’re reading this alone. Maybe you’re on your phone, with the screen tilted in such a way that someone else can’t see what you’ve pulled up. You might even delete your search history after getting the answers you seek about your sexual health.
Erectile Dysfunction
Common Misconceptions about Erectile Dysfunction
Experiencing erectile dysfunction can seem isolating, especially if the person doesn’t feel comfortable talking to their partner or doctor.
Erectile Dysfunction
Everything You Need to Know About Blue Balls
You may have heard people use the term blue balls when talking about sexual frustration. Did you know blue balls are a very real medical condition?