Do you need a prescription for tretinoin?

To get a tretinoin prescription in Canada you have to be assessed by a registered healthcare practitioner, like the ones at Felix.

A healthcare practitioner can assess your specific skincare concerns, as well as other potential interactions such as other medications you may be taking, to determine if a tretinoin prescription is a good choice for you. While tretinoin is well tolerated by most people, it can have side effects in the first months of use. When you speak with a healthcare practitioner to get your prescription, they can determine which tretinoin strength will help you address your skin concerns with reduced side effects. 

Your family doctor or a doctor at a walk-in clinic will be able to write you a prescription for tretinoin, but there’s an even easier way. With Felix Health, you can have an online visit with a healthcare practitioner and get a tretinoin prescription without having to visit a doctor’s office. Plus, you can have your medication dispensed from a Felix pharmacy and have it delivered right to your door for free.